Four destinations in Mexico for ghost tourism – Vallarta Daily - Mrhurrellsfinequalityparanormalfiles


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Four destinations in Mexico for ghost tourism – Vallarta Daily

Destinations in Mexico, like Querétaro, Mexico City, Merida, and Guadalajara, among other entities, offer typical tourist attractions to enjoy; however, they also involve dozens of tales, mysteries, and even supernatural events that attract ghost tourism.

Hyena House, Querétaro

This site located in the state of Querétaro has become popular because it is said that inside the abandoned home, the spirits of three children who were murdered by their mother years ago still dwell.

Even people dedicated to investigations of the paranormal have gathered in this house to investigate the stories, as well as some curious tourists.

The story tells that a woman named Claudia Mijangos, a former beauty queen stabbed her three children to death, who went by the names of Claudia María, 11 years old, Ana Belén, 9 years old, and Alfredo Jr., 6 years old. Children fathered by the love of her life, Mr. Alfredo Castaños.

According to research, Claudia Mijangos, better known as “The Hyena of Querétaro” declared that she had done it on the orders of evil spirits.

Although psychiatric authorities decreed that it was an act of schizophrenia.

Pantheon Bethlehem, Guadalajara

Photo by Ray Fujioka

If you like strong energy, another terrifying place to visit is this area of ​​tombs. There are even special sightseeing tours to study the area.

It is a place rich in stories and extreme legends that will impact you during your tour of this pantheon of Guadalajara, which has now been converted into a museum.

One of the greatest stories of this cemetery is that of little Ignacio Torres, also called “nachito”.

Nachito’s tomb is one of the most visited by people. It is said that Ignacio died of a strange condition known as nyctophobia (fear of the dark).

Before this, his parents placed torches to calm him and he could fall asleep; however, one night the torches went out and he had a sudden heart attack brought on by fear.

After his death on May 24, 1882, people began to believe that the boy was haunted, since, according to witnesses, his coffin appeared on the tombstone during the 10 nights after the burial, so Nachito’s parents decided to modify his grave and placing the coffin on the outside, they also made cracks so that the light could enter.

Gravediggers have reported that toys have been found on one side of the grave, despite constantly picking them up.

Misnebalam, Yucatan

One of the vast towns of myths and terror is Misnebalam, a ghost town located on the Mérida-Progreso highway.

It is an uninhabited place because according to the investigations, people left the area after the death of a powerful leader known as “Don Fidencio” because after his death paranormal activities began to be experienced.

The state government has invited citizens to attend the site, where they can take guided tours or get to know the underground cenote of Misnebalam, which years ago was a farm.

The most famous legend of Misnebalam is that of Juliancito, a boy who took his own life in the place and whose spirit constantly appeared. It is even said that the last inhabitants that still remained in the town ended up leaving it because they could not bear living with these apparitions.

There is also talk of strange noises, voices that whisper, shadows that pass quickly, and at night in buildings, lights are turned on, despite the fact that no one lives in them and that there is no functional electrical installation.

The Island of the Dolls, Xochimilco

Located in the canals of Xochimilco, south of downtown Mexico City, very close to the Estadio Azteca football stadium, is Isla de las Muñecas, which has become a tourist attraction for visitors from all over the world.

Legend has it that Don Julián, who was a watchman on the Island of the Dolls, discovered the body of a girl on the shore of the lake, so desperately he did everything possible to save her life, however, the little girl died of causes strange and unknown.

After what happened, the watchman felt tormented and assured that the spirit of the girl had possessed one of the dolls, so Don Julián, to protect himself, began to hang dolls of all types and sizes around the lagoon located in Xochimilco.

As time went by, the man was convinced that all the dolls were possessed by infantile spirits, little by little the man became a hermit and began to inhabit his island, only with the dozens of broken and old dolls that he collected from the garbage. Many people said that perhaps he was the possessed one because he radically changed his way of being after what happened.

Sometime later, Don Julián was found dead right in the same place where he had found the girl he tried to save, some say that he felt guilty for not saving her and that was why he had gone crazy.

After the death of Don Julián, the island became one of the main attractions of Xochimilco, people visit it to observe all the dolls that according to legend were hung by Julián. Until today, people say that the dolls come to life at night, and this is the legend that keeps Xochimilco alive.

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